“Le droit de mourir nait d’une tendresse humaine, d’une compassion qui doit nous guider dans nos interactions tout au long de la vie. Il est absurde de devoir encore plaider en faveur d’une mort douce, sûre et digne alors que vient le temps de mettre fin à notre précieuse existence ici-bas.”
R. Habegger
Fondateur de Pegasos
L’objectif de la fondation à but non lucratif est de protéger et de promouvoir l’autonomie des personnes qui décident de la manière dont elles veulent mourir.
La fondation soutient la promotion du droit à l’autodétermination et la légalisation du suicide assisté dans le monde entier.
Dans les médias
A 104-year-old Australian biologist who drew international attention to his right-to-die case ended his life in Switzerland...
With the WA Government’s voluntary assisted dying legislation due to come into effect next year, it might seem as though the...
Shortly after 11 a.m. on December 16, 2019, Cindy Siegel Shepler drew her last breath in a spartan room in Basel, Switzerland...
Ms Cohen, who lives in NSW where euthanasia is illegal, is terminally ill with lung cancer. She was given six months to live last year...
After 55 years spent ‘as one’, the couple from Trieste decided to leave at the same time, in a light-filled apartment in Switzerland...
A 104-year-old Australian biologist who drew international attention to his right-to-die case ended his life in Switzerland...
With the WA Government’s voluntary assisted dying legislation due to come into effect next year, it might seem as though the...
Shortly after 11 a.m. on December 16, 2019, Cindy Siegel Shepler drew her last breath in a spartan room in Basel, Switzerland...
Ms Cohen, who lives in NSW where euthanasia is illegal, is terminally ill with lung cancer. She was given six months to live last year...
After 55 years spent ‘as one’, the couple from Trieste decided to leave at the same time, in a light-filled apartment in Switzerland...