Pegasos Swiss Association is a Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) organization

Pegasos, a non-profit based in Basel, Switzerland, believes that it is the human right of every rational adult of sound mind, regardless of state of health, to choose the manner and timing of their death.

Foundation Birds Background Square

“The right to die is a human kindness, a compassion that should guide us in all our interactions throughout life. It is absurd that we must still plead for a gentle, safe and dignified way out when it comes time to end our own precious existence here.”

R. Habegger
Founder of Pegasos

Pegasos Swiss Foundation

The purpose of the not for profit foundation is to protect and promote people’s autonomy in deciding how they want to die.
The foundation supports the promotion of the right to self-determination and the legalization of assisted suicide worldwide.

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