
After a VAD, the local Swiss authorities will be called. Those attending may include a representative from the Public Prosecutor’s office, the police and, possibly, an officer from the coroner’s office.

The authorities will inspect the situation and confirm that the VAD was conducted according to Swiss law. They are generally very friendly and very sensitive to the fact that those present have just lost a loved one in difficult circumstances.

The person nominated to sign the papers that confirms the identity of the person after death needs to be present at this time.

Once the formalities are complete, the funeral home will collect the body with a person’s ashes available for collection around 5 working days after the death. Alternatively one’s ashes can be couriered home. Pegasos will arrange for this.

In the weeks following a VAD, your family or other nominated person will receive two letters by mail.

  1. Pegasos will send the death certificate by mail
  2. The Canton of Basel Land will send an ‘order to dismiss’ letter that confirms that no crime was committed. This second letter is a formality only and has no other purpose.